Friday 5 September 2014

[7] Cultural Festival

Oh my God! 
I totally forgot to tell it! :) 
Local AIESEC chapter organized the cultural festival with volunteers from different countries who came to Omsk to participate in social projects. And there was a crafts and food fair as well. 
Now I have to confess that I'm pretty good at baking muffins :D 

So I participated in the fair selling home-made muffins in order to collect money for the Gamechanging Indonesia campaign! And it worked out. I collected not a big sum of money but still something for unprivileged kids...

Here is the video-invitation to festival (in Russian)

Thursday 4 September 2014

[6] 2 days before Moscow

So the Gamechanging Indonesia campaign is coming to an end and we collect only half of the sum we planned. But it's okay! 
As we stated in the campaign - the main thing is to buy English textbooks. And we did it! We ordered the books! Unfortunately we had to cut the quantity because we didn't reach the goal. 
We have chosen the Longman Young Children's Picture Dictionary textbook for several reasons: firstly, there are illustrations there and it is easy to understand for kids. Secondly, there is a CD there to explain the right prononciation. Thirdly, Longman books are high quality. 
Here is a book:

And also we ordered the cultural souvenirs to present Russia and Russian culture to the children :)

We will take pictures of everything as soon as we get it and post it here for you to see :)

We still can buy more books for children if we get enougn money. The campaign ends in 60 hours (in the evening of 6th of September (Moscow time). So you have a chance to change the situation and contribute! 
The link is here

And now is the time to say thank you to those who already contributed to our dream! 
Dear Mariya, Alina, Nadezhda, Yuliya, Ankit, Anna and Nadezhda, thank you so much for your help! We appriciate this very much! And I'm personally so happy to mention so many names of people who care, people who believes in us! 

Tuesday 19 August 2014

[5] Fascinating things around us

Today is an amazing day! 

It's time to say thank you to Ajuma, Vika, Emi and Artem for their contributions!
And I have a special thank you for one person, Natasha, who impressed me a lot today. I received a message from that girl where she said that wants to donate a textbook and money for the unprivileged children. Soon we met personally and she was telling to me how many good things she did and how she eager to help those who were not lucky enough in this life. 

This campaign is just a campaign but people, thoughts and behaviours that are behind this are beautiful. 
Guys, you inspire me a lot to continue this and play to win. For those kids, for first steps in changing the world together with all of you! Thank you! 

Sunday 10 August 2014

[4] Moving the elephant 2.0

Hey, guys! 

It's been a while since I wrote here last time. 
We still continue the preparation for the internship and promotion of the crowdfunding campaign. It's moving quite slowly despite we need just 100 people contributing 5$ each. 
5$ - a cup of coffee
5$ - a dinner in fast-food restaurant
5$ - a business-lunch
5$ -  a cinema ticket
And 5$ - help to unprivileged children. 

If only we have 100 people who are ready to refuse one cup of coffee and invest this money to our campaign,  we will achieve the goal really fast! 
So please if you read it, go to the page of our campaign and maybe you'll get interesed in it or in any perk ;)

And I wanted to thank amazing people who already contributed to our dreams! Thank you so much, Olga, Vika, Yura and Sveta! This means a lot! 
And a big thanks to cool guys from the project ВЫШКА, who helped us with promotion. This will be helpful for those who doesn't want to miss important events in education and self-development in Omsk. 

Thank you! The fact that we have soulmates makes me really happy!   

Monday 4 August 2014

[3] Moving the elephant

Hello, dears. 

It's time for the third post in this blog, and I have several news for you! 
Each day I wake up and fall asleep with thoughts about our campaign. I'm trying to find more ways to promote the project and several local media place the articles about us on their resources. I'm really happy, thank you Class* and Public Speech*. Also public pages in social media about Indonesia (Russian one) agreed to re-post my message. And that's great! I mean the people's reaction is very positive. They understand my reasons to participate in volunteering project and help with promotion. 
But still we have a huge gap in the goal achievement. I really need help in promotion of the campaign, so if someone has any idea about that I will appreciate it very much! :) 

By the why, while looking for appropriate public pages I found one about education internship abroad*. The administrators of this public are very nice, professional and moreover ther offer free consultation on educational topics and share their own experience. So it's really cool information for those who think that life can be much more interesting if you live it not only in Uni and home. 

And I really want to thank amazing Vera and Ekaterina who recently contributed to the campaign! We appreciate your impact very much! 

Stay tuned and tell your friends about this campaign ;)

*Russian language

Friday 1 August 2014

[2] First days of changing the game

Hey, guys :) 

5 days ago we launched our crowdfunding campaign "Gamechanging Indonesia". 
We didn't do anything like that before so we didn't know what to expect and couldn't predict how the campaign will go. 
But we have the passion towards what we are doing and, what is more important, why we are doing this. 

You know, if you believe in something with all your heart, if you care about what you do as much as you can, others will feel the same way. And when we are talking about social issues, this is the only way to really change things. At least one person is needed, a person who truly believes in a possibility of a better world and is ready to take a stand. This kind of person can spread the word, find soulmates and change the world or at least several lives.

That is the thought which we personally believe in. 

That's why we created the crowdfunding campaign: because we believe that there are people who are ready to contribute to a good things. And we want to take a stand and try to be the change we want to see in the world. 

We are already not alone on our path. Thank you so much Daria, Galina, Vera and others for contributing to our campaign and making our dreams come true! We appreciate your help very much! And I'm sure that children will be very grateful too! 

We raised 85$, still a lot to go but we believe in our dream and waiting for new supporters :)

Marina and Roma

Monday 28 July 2014

[1] The very first post

Hello everybody! 

My name is Marina. I am from Siberian city Omsk. Me and my boyfriend Roman are going to travel 31 000 km to participate in community development project in Indonesia. And in this blog we will tell you about all interesting and fascinating things that will happen to us during our 2,5 months journey. 

The project is called "Enlighten the future" and aimed to help the unprivileged children believe in themselves and to show them the world of opportunities that education can open to them! 
All volunteers of the project are from different countries and together we will deliver classes to children and also we will introduce our cultures in order to show the diversity of the world. 

But the point is that good textbooks are rare in the institutions where the unprivileged children live. That's why we created this campaign: we want to buy textbooks and classic literature and bring them to these institutions.

That's why we created the Indiegogo campaign to collect some money for books for those children. Here is a link to campaign. We will appreciate your contribution very much! :) 

Stay tuned and follow our traveling adventures!